Memorial Day 2024 Around the World

Early Returns from American Overseas (ABMC) Cemeteries

Here are the first returns from the first cemeteries to send them ~ in the order received. These were sent by cemetery Superintendents and Associates, by Florists, by Presenters, and by loyal AWON Friends ~ who knew we’d be waiting for an early look at how our fathers are being honored.

Our Fathers and Loved ones were well remembered over Memorial Day Weekend 2024 ~ our 22nd year!

Henri-Chapelle American

The Henri-Chapelle American Wreath & Banner for 2024 ~ with Régine and Bernard Achten ~ the originators of the AWON Wreath & Banner program in 2003. Their daughter, Marie, now 19, is in the middle.

Thanks to Rik Peirson for Coordinating.

The 2024 Presenters of the AWON Wreath & Banners at Henri-Chapelle ~ Judi Kramer and her daughter, Melissa!

Rhone American

Rhone American Wreath and Banners ~ 2024.

With special thanks to Cemetery Associate Alison Libersa ~ who has looked after us so graciously and so consistently for many years!

We’re seeking a Coordinator for Rhone ~ since we lost Vic Muller, who had Coordinated Rhone since 2006!

Epinal American

The Epinal American Wreath and Banners 2024 ~ were presented by Jocelyne Papelard and her secretaries: Mrs. Pascale Cuny and Mrs. Martine Throckler.

With many thanks for Coordination and Photography to Jocelyne Papelard, who in addition to Coordinating Epinal has been instrumental in ordering Wreaths for six additional cemeteries. Thanks for all your extra work!

Normandy American

Normandy American 2024 ~ presented by long time friend and AWON supporter ~ Jean-Marc Leseuer ~ and his friend, Jean-Marc Pdt.

With thanks to Rondy Elliott, who has Coordinated Normandy since 2019.

North Africa American ~ Carthage

North Africa American ~ 2024 ~ with thanks to Judge Bonnie Hellums, who has Coordinated North Africa American since 2019, and is asking for a replacement.

Many thanks also to Cemetery Associate Atef Gadrib ~ who has been instrumental in making this remembrance happen over several years.

Cambridge American

Naomi Armstrong and her father, AWON Board Member Ken Underwood.

With thanks to Naomi and her husband, Rob for actually presenting the AWON Wreath and Banners ~ and to Dawn Hookway ~ who has provided a GORGEOUS Wreath for Cambridge for many Memorial Day services. See the 2024 Wreath and Banners below:

Thanks also to Jeanne Rhinehart, who has Coordinated Cambridge for many years, and is looking for a Coordinator replacement.

Netherlands American ~ Margraten

The 2024 Netherlands American Wreath & Banner ~ with thanks to its presenter ~ Georgette van den Heuvel.

Photographer Extraordinaire and longtime AWON friend of many of us ~ Joost Claassens.

AWON Member Arthur Chotin was a main speaker for the Margraten services. Many thanks, Art!

Thanks also to Gloria Layne, former Vice President of AWON for Coordinating!

Ardennes American

Ardennes American Cemetery Associate Vincent Joris reads our father’s names on the Banners before the services.

Special thanks to Régine and Bernard Achten for going WAY out of their way to Coordinate Ardennes American!

The colorful Ardennes American wreath ~ ready for presentation.

Luxembourg American

The Luxembourg American Wreath and Banner for Memorial Day 2024.

Coordinated by Sandy MacDuffee (with occasional help from friends) since 2004!

Lorraine American

Lorraine American 2024 ~ Coordinated with help from Jocelyne Papelard, Barb Kelly and Rik Peirson.

A closer look at one of the Lorraine Banners ~ that remember 58 of our fathers.

Sicily-Rome American

The Sicily-Rome Wreath & Banner were presented by the Superintendent.

Thanks to AWON Board Member Bob Meek for Coordinating Sicily-Rome American ~ since 2004!

Manila American

The gorgeous Wreath provided for Memorial Day 2024 at Manila American.

AWON is indebted to the Lim family, who have faithfully presented the AWON Wreath for many years.

Watch for other early returns for Memorial Day 2024 as they come in.

 Our reverence for the ABMC starts with their motto – a Pershing quote: “Time will never dim the glory of their deeds.”

The ABMC beautifully maintains – in pristine order – 26 WWI and WWII American Cemeteries and Memorials around the world. Because these two wars were (and will always be) the only wars fought by the United States in which too many were killed to send them all home for burial, the ABMC – as part of the Executive Branch of our Government was formed in 1923 to watch over the graves and plaques that mark or remember nearly 200,000 Americans, nearly 700 of whom are the Fathers or Loved ones of Members of AWON.

ABMC ~ We thank you . . . and we always will.